Just what you wanted, actually.
Infant Daily Log
When your baby arrives, there can be an overwhelming amount of things to track. This one stop helps you track things like feedings, sleep, diaper changes, and more. You can print it off or use it digitally on something like an ipad. I'm hoping it's something you'll find helpful!
Soothing Your Newborn
One of the side effects of being a birth photographer is that I've become somewhat of a baby whisperer. It's one of my favorite super hero powers. These are my secrets. They will sound a lot like common sense when you see them, but when these forces combine - it's kind of like witnessing a miracle.
Our Birth Plan
This 7 page pdf is something that's ultimately just for you. You don't even have to show anyone your answers. But there's something about knowing your options that's so empowering. And if you see something you've never considered? Now you know to ask your medical provider more about it.
The Newborn Care Guide
We've partnered with an experienced Doula to bring to you this Caring for your Newborn Guide for New Parents.
And you thought you weren't getting a manual.
You're welcome.